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Office Phone System for Your Business

Gone are the days of a simple handheld voice telephone being all that you need for your business communications. Office phone systems are now an integral component of business communication. Having a professionally managed phone system will enable your business to streamline communication within your own network, and will revolutionize your customer relationships. But how […]

Choosing a Telephone System

Trading Your Landline for VoIP Can Save Your Business Money, and Give You New Mobile Options, Too. You’ve been thinking about switching your phone service over to a small business VoIP system (Voice over Internet Protocol), because of the savings potential for your company. However, scrapping your reliable landline system can feel like a big […]


There is a lot of noise and confusion about hosted phone systems, work at home options and collaboration options in the current pandemic environment. Nutec has been providing hosted and OPEX solutions for our customers that deliver on these options and opportunities. Nutec Hosted Voice, powered by Wildix. Now with Nutec hosted voice and collaboration, […]

4 Overlooked Causes of a Slow Network

A slow network is frustrating to deal with and can affect your business negatively in every aspect, including employee productivity and customer service.  Some of the most common causes of a slow network include: Lack of monitoring Many businesses will not look into a problem unless they absolutely have to and by then it can […]

Phone System Shopping List

Is your phone system outdated and inadequate for meeting your needs? Legacy phone systems often impede business growth. They can be expensive to maintain, have confusing maintenance contracts and obsolete features. They’re also usually incompatible with newer technologies, such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP). Planning for a new office telephone system can sometimes be […]

The Telephone’s Evolution

Who would have predicted the telephone’s evolution to the role it has in our lives today? A lot has happened since 1876 when Alexander Graham Bell was awarded the first U.S. patent for the invention of the telephone. The telephone also has its roots in the telegraph, with popular inventor Samuel F. B. Morse, along […]

OPEX Business Telephone System

Need a modern business telephone system without a major upfront investment, but not ready for the cloud? The UNIVERGE SV9100 BLUE offers a complete, out-of-the-box, on-premises business telephone solution. The packages include all the phones, hardware, and SIP Trunks needed – providing a cost-effective alternative to cloud-based solutions. With a reputation for reliability and security, […]

Is Your Business at Risk Running an Outdated Communications System?

Credit and thanks to Denise Borel, who posted this in NEC Today on February 2, 2017. You know your outdated communications system is way past its prime, and economic pressures have led you to delay its upgrade or replacement. But there comes a point in time when it no longer makes sense to put off […]

Are you ready for “VoIP”?

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a prevalent buzz word in the telecommunications industry today. VoIP includes technologies that use the Internet Protocol’s connections to exchange fax, voice and other forms of communication that were traditionally completed on Public-Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN). There are several factors to be considered to successfully complete the Voice over […]

Big Unified Communications Value for Small Business

Is your small business enjoying the benefits of big business features on your telephone system? For most small businesses, the telephone system is a critical business tool. Now you can add the value of an integrated unified communications solution that enhances your organization’s productivity and collaboration. Wikipedia defines Unified Communications (UC) as a marketing buzzword […]